Monday, April 1, 2013


Jeff Bridges as Bad Blake in Crazy Heart

I listened to the interview of Jeff Bridges because I like his acting so much. Listening to a native speaker was hard and a little bit discouraging. I listened again and again. Still, it took a lot of time to get the whole conversation.  

Mark Lawson was the interviewer and the topics they mentioned were about Jeff Bridges’ awards, his role, Bad Blake, in the film Crazy Heart, his laziness, his naturalness, his role and the role’s effects on him, the difficulties of his role, his web-site, and his father.

First of all the interviewer talked about Jeff Bridges’ awards and award nominations. Then he talked about Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart. A short scene from the film was put to the interview. The real interview stars from here.

Mark Lawson's first question was: "Has he only been able to predict the roles which become big, or is he sometimes taken by a surprise?"
Jeff Bridges: "I really try not to work as much as possible.So  I resist engaging in a movie. Then it’s just too intriguing that I have to do it. That’s what it usually sucks me in . Each movie is a challenge with high expectations for each one, you know as far as being a good one, being a movie I’d like to see."
Mark Lawson: And you say you don’t like to work too much. But in fact, when we look back you’ve done, very large number of films and you turn up with Academy… In fact, you did take on quite load.
Jeff Bridges: I know, I think myself as a lazy guy. But when I look back on it, that a lot of stuff. Or they keep offering me  things that are too tempting. You know, it’s like puts that line from the Godfather, Pachino says "get out, drag me back". So it feels like, you know.

The interviewer didn’t react much to Jeff Bridge’s answers. He just skipped rapidly to the other questions.

A few more questions were asked, one of them was this: 
Mark Lawson: Is that a matter of acting technique and tricks or are you doing what comes naturally?
Jeff Bridges: Probably a little bit of both. One of the things that I do when I’m preparing is I think about aspects of myself.

The interviewer then asked Jeff Bridges questions about his role. He plays guitar in the film and the interviewer asked if playing the guitar, singing songs were difficult and Jeff Bridges kind of answered that he was anxious about these but they were okey.

The interviewer finally asked a question about photos that Jeff Bridges took and compiled them in a book. And Jeff Bridges finished the conversation by making a joke.

Jeff Bridges was relaxed and cheerful from the beginning to the end. He answered all of the questions in a manner special to Jeff Bridges. He is always relaxed. I think that Jeff Bridges has a great sense of humour. At the end, he made a joke and finished the interview by emphasizing his web-site.

If I were the interviewer,  I'd ask these two questions to Jeff Bridges:

- What is your favourite character you’ve acted so far?
- Do you think that you reflect your laziness to your roles?

To listen to the interview, please click here.

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